HADDENS stock a huge range of concrete sleepers, treated pine sleepers and steel gal posts. It’s important to use the right sleeper for the right job. The key to doing the job properly is knowing which sleepers are best for your project at hand. Helping your garden display and retain its best features.
Call Haddens today for advise on what sleepers are best for your new project.

- Prices: $POA These concrete sleepers are amazing used for retaining walls and come with many benefits, such as: They're impervious to termites and other insects. They're low maintenance. They won't rot or splinter like timber sleepers. They're durable and have a long lifespan. If you have a colour in mind for your retaining wall project, don't hesitate to contact us. All concrete sleepers come in many sizes and colour range.
- Redgum Sleepers are known for their durability and hardiness. Great for gardens that require termite resistant products. Excellent for all-purpose timber features, including landscaping, fencing posts, and garden beds. It’s a natural untreated sleeper, Redgum sleepers can be left to age which turns a beautiful silvery grey colour or you can stain it with decking oil. Various sizes available.
- 2100 x 200mm x 50mm (7')
- 2100 x 200mm x 75mm (7')
- 2400 x 200mm x 50mm (8')
- 2400 x 200mm x 75mm (8')
- 3000 x 200mm x 50mm (10')
- 3000 x 200mm x 75mm (10'
- Treated pine is safe to use. The preservative chemicals are toxic to insects and fungi, which is, of course, their purpose. Provided the common sense precautions are observed, preservative chemicals do not present a hazard to humans when fixed in the dried timber. Sometimes a white powder will appear on the surface of the timber. This is nostly sodium, solphate, a harmless substance which, if necessary, can simply be brushed or hosed off. Various Sizes available.
- 2400 x 200mm x 50mm (8')
- 2400 x 200mm x 75mm (8')
- 3000 x 200mm x 50mm (8')
- 3000 x 200mm x 75mm (8')